Welcome to the Tamilnadu Narcotics Anonymous (NA) website. This website was created to serve as a resource for recovering addicts and for those seeking more information about recovery from addiction to drugs. If you are looking for a solution to your drug problem, give yourself a break, open your mind and explore the possibilities of recovery from drug addiction. If you are new to NA and wondering where to start, we suggest you attend a meeting as soon as possible. You will be able to get your questions answered.
Narcotics Anonymous sprang from the
Alcoholics Anonymous Program of the late 1940s,
with NA meetings first emerging in the Los Angeles
area of California, USA, in the early 1950s. The NA
program started as a small US organization that has
grown into one of the world’s oldest and largest international organizations of its type. For many years,
NA grew very slowly, spreading from Los Angeles
to other major North American cities and Australia
in the early 1970s. Within a few years, groups had
formed in Brazil, Colombia, Germany, India, Ireland,
Japan, New Zealand, and Great Britain. In 1983,
Narcotics Anonymous published its self-titled Basic
Text book, which contributed to NA’s tremendous
growth; by year’s end, NA had grown to have a presence in more than a dozen countries and had 2,966
meetings worldwide.
Today, Narcotics Anonymous is well established
throughout much of North and South America,
Europe, Australia, the Middle East, New Zealand,
and Russia. Groups and NA communities continue
to grow and evolve throughout the Indian subcontinent, Africa, and Asia. Today the organization
is truly a worldwide multilingual, multicultural fellowship with more than 63,000 weekly meetings
in 132 countries. Narcotics Anonymous books and
information pamphlets are currently available in
45 languages, with translations in process for 16
NA’s earliest self-titled pamphlet, known among
members as “The White Booklet,” describes Narcotics
Anonymous this way:
“NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and
women for whom drugs had become a major
problem. We … meet regularly to help each other
stay clean. ... We are not interested in what or how
much you used ... but only in what you want to do
about your problem and how we can help.”
Membership is open to all drug addicts, regardless of the particular drug or combination of drugs
used. When adapting AA’s First Step, the word “addiction” was substituted for “alcohol,” thus removing
drug-specific language and reflecting the “disease
concept” of addiction. Narcotics Anonymous provides a recovery process and peer support network
that are linked together. One of the keys to NA’s
success is the therapeutic value of addicts working
with other addicts. Members share their successes
and challenges in overcoming active addiction
and living drug-free, productive lives through the
application of the principles contained within the
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of NA. These
principles are the core of the Narcotics Anonymous
recovery program. Narcotics Anonymous itself is a
non-religious program of recovery; each member is
encouraged to cultivate an individual understanding—religious or not—of the spiritual principles
and apply these principles to everyday life.
There are no social, religious, economic, racial,
ethnic, national, gender, or class-status membership
restrictions. There are no dues or fees for membership; most members regularly contribute in meetings to help cover the expenses incurred for the
rent of facility space.
Narcotics Anonymous is not affiliated with other
organizations, including other twelve step programs, treatment centers, or correctional facilities.
As an organization, NA does not employ professional counselors or therapists nor does it provide
residential facilities or clinics. Additionally, the felowship does not offer vocational, legal, financial,
psychiatric, or medical services. NA has only one
mission: to provide an environment in which addicts can help one another stop using drugs and
find a new way to live.
In Narcotics Anonymous, membership is based
on a desire to stop using drugs including alcohol
and has as a foundation, the principle of complete
abstinence. It has been the experience of NA members that complete and continuous abstinence
provides the best foundation for recovery and
personal growth. NA as a whole has no opinion on
outside issues, including prescribed medications.
Use of psychiatric medication and other medically
indicated drugs prescribed by a physician and taken
under medical supervision is not seen as compromising a person’s recovery in NA.
The primary service provided by Narcotics
Anonymous is the NA group meeting. Each group
runs itself based on principles common to the
entire organization, which is expressed in NA’s literature.
Most groups rent space for their meetings in
buildings run by public, religious, or civic organizations. Individual members lead the NA meetings
while other members participate by sharing about
their experiences in recovering from drug addiction.
Group members also work together to perform the
activities associated with running a meeting.
In a country where Narcotics Anonymous is a relatively new and emerging fellowship, the NA group
is the only level of organization. In places where a
number of Narcotics Anonymous groups have had
the chance to develop and stabilize, groups elect
representatives to form a local service committee.
These local committees usually offer a number of
services. Included among them are:
In some countries, especially the larger countries or those where Narcotics Anonymous is well
established, a number of local/area committees
have come together to create regional committees.
These regional committees handle services within
their larger geographical boundaries while the local/area committees operate local services.
An international delegate assembly known as
the World Service Conference provides guidance
on issues affecting the entire organization. Primary
among the priorities of NA’s world services are
activities that support emerging and developing
NA communities and the translation of Narcotics
Anonymous literature. For additional information,
contact the World Service Office headquarters in
Los Angeles, California. The mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and website address
appear at the end of this pamphlet.
In order to maintain its focus, Narcotics
Anonymous has established a tradition of nonendorsement and does not take positions on
anything outside its own specific sphere of activity.
Narcotics Anonymous does not express opinions—
either pro or con—on civil, social, medical, legal, or
religious issues. Additionally, it does not take stands
on addiction-related issues such as criminality, law
enforcement, drug legalization or penalties, prostitution, HIV/HCV infection, or syringe programs.
Narcotics Anonymous strives to be entirely
self-supporting through member contributions
and does not accept financial contributions from
non-members. Based on the same principle, groups
and service committees are administered by NA
members, for members.
Narcotics Anonymous neither endorses nor opposes any other organization’s philosophy or methodology. NA’s primary focus is in providing a recovery environment whereby drug addicts can share
their recovery experiences with one another. By
remaining free from the distraction of controversy,
NA is able to focus all of its energy on its particular
area of purpose.
Although certain traditions guide its relations
with other organizations, Narcotics Anonymous
welcomes the cooperation of those in government,
the clergy, treatment and healthcare professions,
criminal justice organizations and private voluntary
organizations. NA’s nonaddict friends have been instrumental in getting Narcotics Anonymous started
in many countries and helping NA grow worldwide.
NA strives to cooperate with others interested in
Narcotics Anonymous. Our more common cooperation approaches are: providing contact information,
disseminating recovery literature, and sharing information about recovery. Additionally, NA members
are often available to provide presentations for
treatment centers and correctional facilities, offering
information about the NA program to the professional staff and sharing with addicts otherwise unable to attend community-based meeting.
NA members have an average of 11.07 years clean. This can be compared to NA’s last survey, which was the 2011 Membership Survey, showed members with an average of 10.87 years clean.
To offer some general informal observations
about the nature of the membership, and the effectiveness of the program, the following observations
are believed to be reasonably accurate.
The socioeconomic strata represented by the NA
membership vary from country to country. Usually,
members of one particular social or economic class
start and sustain most developing NA communities
worldwide, but as their fellowship development
activities become more effective, the membership
becomes more broadly representative of all socioeconomic backgrounds.
All ethnic and religious backgrounds are represented among NA members. Once a developing
NA community reaches a certain level of maturity,
its membership generally reflects the diversity or
homogeneity of the background culture.
Membership in Narcotics Anonymous is voluntary; no attendance records are kept either for
NA’s own purposes or for others. Because of this,
it is sometimes difficult to provide interested parties with comprehensive information about NA
membership. There are, however, some objective
measures that can be shared based on data obtained from members attending one of our world
conventions; the diversity of our membership, especially ethnic background, seems to be representative of the geographic location of the survey. The
following demographic information was gathered
from a survey completed by approximately 16,750
NA members. The survey was made available at
the 2013 World Convention of NA in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania in our international journal,
The NA
Way Magazine, and on our website:
In 2013 the two areas that received overwhelming improvement with NA attendance were family relationship, where 92% of our members stated enrichment; and social connection, which was realized by 88% of the respondents. NA literature states that active addiction is marked by increased isolation and destruction with relationships. Recovery in NA has helped survey respondents to repair the damage in their lives from drug addiction.
CSI Church Of Saint John The Baptist. No.497, Pantheon Road, Egmore, Chennai-8, Tamil Nadu--- Map
Place: Good Shepherd church Velachery-Taramani, No 34, 100 Feet Rd, Velachery, Chennai-42, TamilNadu---Map
11/6, Balfour Road, Kilpauk, Chennai-10, Tamil Nadu--- Map
Corporation park, Alandur, chennai--- Map
Presentation Church, 23, Jani Jhan Khan Rd, Royapettah, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600014 --- Map
Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine Church, Paper Mills Road, Jagannathan Colony, P Perambur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600011 --- Map
St. Thomas Mount Church: #1 GST Road, St. Thomas' Mount, Chennai-16, Tamil Nadu --- Map
ST. JOSEPH ANGLO HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL, Periyamet, Chennai-7, Tamil Nadu--- Map
11/6, Balfour Road, Kilpauk, Chennai-10, Tamil Nadu--- Map
St. Sebastin Church, Rajendra Prasad Road , Pallavaram, Chennai-43Map
St .Andrew Church ,Kalithiappa Street, Choolai, Chennai Map
11/6, Balfour Road, Kilpauk, Chennai-10, Tamilnadu--- Map
Place : First AG Church , Next to EDCC Bank, Surampatti Valasu, Erode -638009 --- Map
Holy Cross School Ground, Kandasamy Pudur, Ammapet, Salem, Tamil Nadu 636014 --- Map
Corporation Middle School, Trichy Branch Rd, Annathanapatti, Salem, Tamil Nadu 636002 --- Map
Welcomes you to recovery meeting.
1 | Mondays, Sundays & Thursdays | 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM |
2 | Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays | 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM |